Firat Yaman
Data Analyst at Ofcom
Research | Teaching | Media | CV

Shorter pieces

"Ethnische Enklaven schwächen die Sprachkompetenz, mehr Bildung stärkt sie" (2010), (in German). With Alexander M. Danzer.

This short report in German summarises the findings in our paper entitled "Ethnic Concentration and Language Fluency of Immigrants: Evidence from the Guest-Worker Placement in Germany" published in 2016. Living in areas with high immigrant concentration impedes language acquisition. More education facilitates learning the language of ths host country.


Leviathan in Lockdown: A Pecha Kucha on Teaching Public Economics in Times of Covid

A video in Pecha Kucha format (20 slides, each presented in 20 seconds) about my approach towards and experience with teaching Public Economics as an online module. I presented this video at the Learning, Teaching, and Student Experience conference organised by the Chartered Association of Business Schools in 2021.

Presentation at Arcom (the French regulator for Communications) on our project "Media Plurality and Online News"

Link to video

Interview with Faculti on our paper "Which Decision Theory Describes Life Satisfaction Best? Evidence From Annual Panel Data"

Link to video (subscription to Faculti is required)